Making Plans for a New Kitchen
Making Plans for a New Kitchen

Nothing beats a delicious home-cooked supper. However, as any chef will tell you, a well-kept kitchen is frequently the key to good cuisine. Ample space is required for preparing a gourmet meal, and a well-organized environment is much easier to clean.

So, if your work surfaces are starting to show signs of wear, it could be time for a makeover. However, kitchens are expensive, so you don’t want to make a mistake. The key is to know exactly what you want and, more crucially, what you can afford… don’t forget to secure your new investment with home insurance.

You may save a lot of money and avoid any hidden fees by adopting a few easy safeguards. To begin, determine whether you want to work with some or all of what you currently have or whether you want to start from scratch. Examine your present layout and consider how it could be enhanced.

The fridge, cooker, and sink should be arranged in a triangle so that you can simply travel between them. Consider where utensils can be stored to avoid wasting space. Also, make sure you have enough counter space to prepare meals. 

It’s critical to pay attention to the color palette. If you have a small space, light colors will make it appear larger. Installing tiles atop kitchen counters, on the other hand, might make cleaning and wiping the area a lot easier.

Look for the light on your new kitchen plan

Look for the light

The lighting you choose will have a significant impact on the room. Install a lighting over the cooker to ensure military-style precision when preparing dishes. If you’re stuck for inspiration, check out DIY stores, kitchen showrooms, publications, and home renovation websites. Television shows may be a terrific source of ideas. Speak with store employees and seek their recommendations. You may even make an image and color chart scrapbook.

Spending with finesse

Take measurements, develop a list of the existing utilities, and come up with a budget. The majority of the cost will likely be made up of your cabinets, appliances, tiles, and worktops… but don’t forget about the flooring, lighting, paint and/or wallpaper, handles, taps, kickboard, end panels, pelmet, and so on. All of these factors will increase your project’s costs as well as its length and complexity. Some more affordable kitchens are available to take home the same day from DIY stores, but the majority must be purchased, which can take weeks, if not months, so plan beforehand. The higher the kitchen’s spec, the longer it will take.

improve the appearance of your living space

Cooking competition!

Consider how you’ll actually put the kitchen together. Cost savings can be achieved by doing it yourself, but do you have the necessary DIY skills? All electrical and gas work should be done by professionals, and only experienced DIYers should handle the plumbing. Because good tradesmen are in high demand, it’s a good idea to collect bids ahead of time.

Remember that there are always dangers of damage with any construction project, so make sure your house insurance is up to date and that you have the proper level of coverage by comparing prices between online stores. Make sure your homeowner’s insurance isn’t voided. Don’t forget to update your buildings and contents insurance to reflect any changes you’ve made to the interior… You don’t want to be caught short on coverage.

Last but not least: the kitchen table

Small changes are enough to give a breath of freshness to the living area. Are you thinking, for example, how you want your kitchen table? Whether this will be a rustic table or why not a more contemporary table, some planning ahead might be needed.

The table is a piece of furniture that, in a certain sense, has its own identity, almost independent from the rest of the environment.

The kitchen table

Someone once said that “all great things happen around one table”

LTJarbor offer

Do you want to spruce up your living space? Are you about to move into a new home and need to furnish it quickly but not on a budget? Or are you simply looking for ideas on how to improve the appearance of your living space? Our kitchen tables are delivered ready to use and admire in your house for many years. See our portfolio online or contact us anytime for any queries you might have. We will be glad to provide you with our knowledge and expertise.

article by:

Daniele Pais 

A tech enthusiast with a passion for interior design,
architecture and modern technology.